Silver Screen Shot

+33 6 59 19 43 80

Terms and conditions of sale


The present conditions are concluded between :



Article 1: Purpose, acceptance, modification

1.1 – The purpose of this document is to define the technical and financial conditions under which Cats-digital commits to the client. The services offered by Cats-digital include the purchase, sale, rental, assembly and repair of all computer hardware, software, accessories and office automation products; the provision of all computer-related services, including maintenance, installation, troubleshooting, assistance, training (in-store, for private individuals or companies), digitization, data recovery, audits and consulting; design and production of Internet sites and software; operation of an Internet access center, various video games, notably networked, and various computer and office equipment.


1.2 – The customer acknowledges that he has made an informed choice of the services corresponding to his needs and that he has received from cats-digital all the information and advice necessary to enter into this agreement. All work carried out by Cats-digital is subject to these terms and conditions, which can be viewed on the website. These terms and conditions can be consulted on request, as indicated on the back of quotations, work sheets and invoices signed by the customer prior to any intervention. Any order placed by the customer with cats-digital therefore implies full acceptance of the conditions defined in this document.


1.3 – Cats-digital reserves the right to modify these conditions at any time, without further formality other than informing the customer by means of an online warning and/or including these modifications in the online general conditions, which can be consulted on the website:


Article 2: Cats-digital’s obligations and liability

2.1 – Cats-digital undertakes to provide all the human and technical resources necessary to perform the services described in article 1.1 of these terms and conditions. In particular, Cats-digital undertakes to inform the customer to the best of its knowledge of the risks inherent in the requested intervention. Insofar as the proper functioning of new equipment or software, or the result of an IT service, depends not only on the quality of the hardware and software installed and the services provided, but also on factors independent of Cats-digital, such as the original installation, working methods and the qualifications of the user, Cats-digital is only liable for an obligation of means and not of result.


2.2 – Cats-digital shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences resulting from the malfunction or non-operation of the customer’s equipment, and in particular for any loss of data, non-compliance, incompatibility, malfunction or deterioration, whether or not resulting from its intervention. Under no circumstances, whatever the service requested, can Cats-digital be held responsible for damage to equipment and/or total or partial loss of the customer’s computer data, whatever the reason.


2.3 – The hosting of websites designed by Cats-digital is the responsibility of the host chosen by the customer: under no circumstances can Cats-digital be held responsible for hosting problems.


2.4 -Cats-digital reserves the right not to provide a service if, in the reasonable opinion of the service provider, working conditions in the customer’s home are likely to endanger his safety or compromise the integrity of the equipment.

Article 3: Customer obligations and liability

3.1 – The customer’s hardware, software and data, as well as any use that may be made of them, remain the sole responsibility of the customer. The customer acknowledges having been informed of the risks inherent in any computer manipulation. The customer is informed that Cats-digital’s services (as well as its own intervention) may result in a breach of the manufacturer’s or distributor’s warranty from which he acquired his computer equipment. It is also the customer’s sole responsibility to make a backup of their data prior to any intervention.


3.2 – For all operating system and/or software reinstallation services, the customer undertakes to supply the necessary original software media: cd-rom, dvd-rom, diskettes, serial numbers and valid licenses. Cats-digital is not obliged to check the validity of these licenses and cannot be held responsible for the operation of unlicensed software. Finally, the customer is informed that all costs relating to the performance of Cats-digital’s services at home, and in particular the costs of electricity, Internet connections or wear and tear on computer consumables caused by manipulations carried out by Cats-digital, are and remain at the customer’s expense.


3.3 – In the event of discovery of illegal data on a customer’s medium(s), in particular paedophile data, all services will be stopped. The media (peripheral or machine) will be sealed and taken out of the scope of Cats-digital’s responsibility to be deposited with the competent police services. Cats-digital will take legal action against the customer who owns the illegal data.


Article 4: Special cases

In the case of requests requiring complete software expertise or involving obsolete hardware, Cats-digital will not be able to handle the customer’s request(s).


4.1 – The following will not be covered:


4.2 – In exceptional cases, the following services may be covered study and quotation) with no obligation of result: – operating systems other than MS Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7 or later (GNU/Linux distribution, Mac OS and other alternative operating systems),

example, etc.),

audio or video),


Article 5: Rates

5.1 – The current rates for the various services offered by Cats-digital are available online at , by e-mail at, or by telephone on 06 59 19 43 80. Rates, expressed in EUR all taxes included, are systematically communicated to the customer and validated by mutual agreement between the customer and Cats-digital before any intervention.


5.2 – Any intervention by Cats-digital gives rise to a minimum charge of half an hour. After the first half-hour, billing is based on additional indivisible half-hours. Details of the fees charged for these services are available online at


5.3 – In the event of additional costs which could not have been foreseen before the start of an intervention, Cats-digital undertakes to inform the customer, who is then free to terminate the service. In this case, Cats-digital will invoice the service already performed at the rate in force on the day of the intervention.


5.4 – Any service ordered by the customer is, from this moment, deemed to have begun. If the customer refuses to start the service, as he or she is free to do, the customer will be billed for the cost of a diagnosis.


5.5 – In the case of home repairs, if the customer or the person appointed to represent him is absent from the place of appointment at the agreed time, the customer undertakes to pay compensation equal to half an hour’s work plus one journey.


5.6 – If Cats-digital is unable to resolve the problem for which the customer has called upon its services during a repair (at home, in the workshop or through remote maintenance), the customer will be billed for a fee corresponding to the diagnosis.


5.7 – Any equipment deposited for diagnosis/repair and not claimed within two months of deposit will be considered abandoned by its owner, and may therefore be destroyed by Cats-digital.


Article 6: Payment terms and conditions

6.1 – Payment by the customer benefiting from a Cats-digital service is made in full immediately after the end of the service directly to the technician by one of the means of payment accepted by Cats-digital: credit card, personal check or bank check payable to Cats-digital and cash. An invoice (electronic or paper) will then be sent to the customer within seven days. This will stipulate the nature and duration of the intervention, as well as the amount to be paid according to the hourly rate in force at the time of the intervention.


6.2 – Payment for services requiring an estimate is made in two stages: a deposit (which does not constitute a down payment, the abandonment of which would authorize the parties to withdraw from the contract) of 30% on signature of the estimate, then the balance on completion of the service. A receipt will be issued for each deposit paid.


6.3 – Before any service is provided, Cats-digital reserves the right to ask the customer for guarantees of solvency and to suspend any execution in the event of an unfavorable response, without being able to claim any damages. Cats-digital reserves the right to pass on, without delay, any new tax or increase in the rate of existing taxes.


6.4 – In the event of an incident occurring before the final settlement, the latter cannot be used to cancel the order or delay payment. Likewise, under no circumstances may a delay in execution lead to cancellation of the order. In the event of late payment, the customer shall pay a late payment penalty equal to 3 times the legal interest rate, calculated on the total amount of the sums due, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 441-6 of the French Commercial Code.


6.5 – In accordance with article 121-II of law no. 2012-387 of March 22, 2012 set by decree no. 2012-115 of October 2, 2012, a fixed indemnity of 40 EUR for collection costs will be payable to any creditor in the event of late payment. This lump-sum indemnity is payable in addition to the above-mentioned penalty.


Article 7: Renewal and termination of service 7.1 – All contracts are automatically terminated on their annual expiry date. It may be renewed each year on expiry, subject to payment by the customer of the corresponding price, under the conditions set out in article 5. In the event of early termination, the customer will not be entitled to reimbursement by Cats-digital of any sums already paid.


7.2 – Either party may terminate the contract automatically and without compensation in the event of force majeure (liquidation of the company, natural disaster or criminal act).


7.3 – Cats-digital will notify the customer, by e-mail or telephone, before the expiry date, of the renewal request and the amount to be paid for the maintenance contract in question. Any failure to pay or irregular payment (incorrect or incomplete amount, missing required references, etc.) will be ignored and will result in the rejection of the application for registration or renewal of service by Cats-digital.


Article 8: Warranties

8.1 – With the exception of the « optimization » offer, which is guaranteed for 7 days, the assistance, troubleshooting and maintenance services provided by Cats-digital are guaranteed for one month from the date of the service, subject to the effective payment of the invoices concerned, and provided that no modification (hardware or software) has been made by the customer after the intervention. If these conditions are not met, Cats-digital declines all responsibility for the direct or indirect consequences of its services and cannot provide any guarantee or after-sales service.


8.2 – The subscription to a preventive maintenance contract does not commit Cats-digital to any malfunction of the equipment maintained during the period of validity of the contract. These services are therefore subject to the same guarantees as breakdown and assistance services, as defined in paragraph 7.1.


8.3 – Slideshows and websites designed by Cats-digital are immaterial products supplied as they are at the time of payment in full. Cats-digital disclaims all warranties for any malfunctions resulting from misuse by the customer, modification by the customer without prior authorization, negligence or lack of maintenance by the customer.


8.4 – Products marketed by Léo

INFORMATIQUE also come with a specific manufacturer’s warranty (warranty paid directly by the manufacturer, or on-site warranty, or specific warranty extension). Customers should therefore contact the manufacturer’s after-sales service directly, without going through Cats-digital, which provides no contractual guarantee for these products. Cats-digital will not accept any returns under this warranty, and cannot be held responsible for any failure on the part of the manufacturer under this warranty. In addition, in accordance with the law, the customer also benefits from the legal guarantee against hidden defects in the products sold and against defects in conformity of the goods with the contract.


8.5 – When a complete central unit is purchased from Cats-digital or a partner with the Extended National Warranty and assembled by a Cats-digital technician or a partner with the Extended National Warranty, in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty on the components, the central unit benefits from a « Cats-digital » warranty valid for one year from the date of the transaction. During this period, the customer is free to contact Cats-digital, who will then act as an intermediary with the manufacturer, or to contact the manufacturer’s after-sales service directly.


Article 9: Retention of title

9.1 – In accordance with the law of July 3, 1985, Cats-digital retains ownership of the equipment (hardware and/or software) supplied as part of the service, until full payment by the customer of all sums due. In the event of total or partial non-payment, Cats-digital is entitled, without prior formalities and independently of any legal action, to demand the return of the equipment supplied by the client at its own expense, without the client being able to object on any grounds whatsoever. With regard to software, the customer is reminded that no ownership rights are transferred. The only right he enjoys is the right to use the software in accordance with the terms of the licenses attached to the software.


Article 10: Data protection act, personal data, confidentiality

10.1 -Cats-digital informs the client that some of their personal data is recorded for the purposes of customer relationship management, particularly in the context of the communication of commercial offers issued by Cats-digital. In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the company’s website and the use of customers’ personal data are subject to a prior declaration registered under number 1532775 with the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté). Customers also have the right to access, rectify or delete data concerning them. These rights may be exercised by making a written and signed request to Cats-digital; this request must be accompanied by a copy of the identity document bearing the signature of the holder of the document, and must specify the address to which the reply is to be sent.


10.2 – Cats-digital undertakes to respect the strictest confidentiality concerning the customer’s personal data and not to divulge, under any pretext whatsoever, any information to which it has access in the course of its services.


Article 11: Applicable law and claims/disputes 11.1 – This contract is governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and/or complaint, the customer is advised to contact the management of Cats-digital.

INFORMATIQUE in order to seek and find an amicable solution. In the absence of an amicable agreement between the parties, the dispute will, by express agreement, be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts on which Cats-digital depends.


11.2 – Any complaint concerning the services provided by Cats-digital must be made by registered letter within 5 days of receipt, referring to the number and date of the purchase invoice, the customer number, the product reference and quantity, and stating the reasons for the request. After this time, the claim will no longer be considered.


11.3 – Any complaint concerning our invoices must be brought to our attention by registered letter within 10 days of receipt. Failing this, they will be deemed to have been accepted without reservation. Incomplete supply of an order does not justify refusal to pay for the goods delivered. Partial invoices may be issued as and when goods are supplied. Payment of invoices can never be made conditional on the installation or start-up of equipment. Any dispute between the customer and Cats-digital shall in no way suspend payment of the undisputed part of the invoice.